Saturday, March 12, 2011

For a non IT person which is better Oracle DBA or SAP BPC?

I am new to IT and would like to know if I shall get training in Oracle DBA or SAP BPC. What are the pros and cons of each???

And now, some words you c/c, please?

I could read this all evening, over and over. Every word seems perfect.

What would be a good hairstyle for me?

Estas mas loco q nada carnalito ! hahah !




Ok so i dont have a lot of acne on my face, but i do have some on my cheeks,chin and four head. I dont think i have sensitive skin but i dont know. My skin is combonation but mostly dry. So far i used St. Ives (it worked the first day but i think my face go to use to it cuz now its useless,i dont get more pimples and i dont get rid of them using this.),Clearise (does not work at all), and more. I want to try clean &clear acne advantage, clinque acne kit, andmaybe aveda outer peace. I would apprecitate it if you told me about some f those if u have used it or if u tell me about other suggestions. Im 13 and need to clear my face full of zits. Please help! Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

Would a Salliemae student loan cover my education at Aveda?

I went to college for a year and hated it. im thinking about cosmetology school, and im sick of paying back my student I'm thinking, go to Aveda and just take out more loans...can i do that?

Do I still need to feed the guppy fry?

Mine survived in the tank with the parents and without live plants just by scavenging the flakes that I fed to the adults. I wasn't really going for maximum survival though. What I did allowed like 3 to 6 babies to live. It was nice because it would be fresh new fish but not overpopulation. If you want more than this, try brine shrimp and fish flakes crumbled up real well and a lot of hiding places. Egg will will work too but I expect the brine shrimp will be hardest for the parents to eat all of.